You can be part of the movement to improve the working conditions of workers in your community. Do you have a skill you would like to share? Are you a low wage worker looking for support to address an issue in the workplace?

Take Action Today on Campaigns

Check the latest news to see the most pressing issues today and how you can help. Whether it’s signing a petition, writing letters to your politicians, or just staying informed, every action you take helps.

Become a Member

The Workers’ Center of Central New York is a member based organization and joining is the best way to get involved. You can attend our monthly meetings which take place every third Thursday of the month. Help us to build a grassroots led workers’ center!


We are always looking for volunteers to help with our campaign work, outreach, office administration, research, events, translation needs and various special projects, like editing videos for our workers stories series.  We have very limited resources and any help will be appreciated. If you are interested in volunteering please email  or complete our volunteer form.


Help us to continue our work with a monetary or in-kind donation.